Norbert, profile photo

Closed today

Norbert, profile photo

does anyone want to start earlier due to rain by 10?

Cameron responded out

we have 4 people - is that enough? or do folks want to go to barre town?


Response from Brian Gallagher regarding the high school use of the tennis courts. Just FYI

Hi Harry,
I hope all is going well. There are days that either we get bumped out of the gym, as was the case once this week when we had a pipe break at UES or as today that we were finished a summative exam and that was a reward for the class.. I did put up signs, but didn't send an email.
Have a good weekend,

On Fri, May 24, 2024 at 1:45 PM Harry <judythump(miuku)comcast(piste)net> wrote:
Hi Guys, I’m looking to you two to help with communication on the usage of the tennis courts by the school. We’ve run into a situation where 14-20 Pickle ball players show up to play and discover that the school is using the courts. No question MHS has priority for usage but it would be helpful to know in advance that MHS has times that they will be using the courts. This hasn’t been a problem in previous years so my guess is that whoever is scheduling the MHS usage times is unaware of previous years communication protocol with the Pickleball community. Let me know what needs to be done to make sure everybody is aware of when the MHS courts are scheduled for student use, primarily in the weekday mornings or when interscholastic tennis matches are scheduled. Thanks!,
Harry Colombo