
Please remember to sign out if you decide not to show up for any reason for a session that you signed up to play. Thank you.


I’m there now; it’s very wet. Definitely GMCF..

John, profile photo

I’ll be 1/2 hour late.


Yes, agreed. I'll sign up for GMCF at 10:15


If it's dry now, I'm on my way and hope the rain holds.


Going to be 45 degrees and no sun tomorrow. I'd rather play at GMCF, but will show up at MHS if that's what everybody wants


Well, I like to think I'm a "know when its cold" Vermontah!

Norbert, profile photo

The roads are wet so the courts are going to be wet. GMCF?


Hi All,
I left a red fleece jack on the courts at MHS. I went back to retrieve it at 12:10PM and it looks like someone picked it for me. Let me know who you are and we can discuss your demands for it's return!
Thanks :)


Thanks Billy. I will take the free water bottle and charge the other fees to the Trump Organization. The jacket is worth $4000.00.


Yes. I suspected as much, once Gary becomes involved there is no telling how this thing is going to unfold. Can you believe it, he’s involved with charge backs to the Trump Organization. I’m not sure I’m ever going to see that Jacket!