
Half hour late for me too


i can play for the 1st hour... and will be there with the 8 am group


It seems odd that the Rec Center would be managing public courts.

Gary, profile photo

I have written to Haidi about this. I seems to be that she misunderstands Player Line Up. I let her know it is not a court reservation system just a player organization system. I hope she understands the difference. I am waiting to hear back from her on that question as we could plan a group to play at Elm Street via text and show up and if courts are available we could play and that is all Player Line Up is doing. There is no guarantee that a court will be available when we show up but there is nothing keeping us from planning.

Haidi, profile photo

Once again, Elm street courts must be scheduled through the REC CENTER. Please DO NOT schedule any more games on Elm St. Courts. Please visit the Rec Center if you would like to schedule sessions on Elm. St. Courts.
Thank you for understanding.
Haidi Arias


Haidi, can you explain why there is this change in policy? Does everyone that wants to use those facilities have to schedule through the rec center or are they allowed to just show up and play if the courts are free like this group has done in the past?


Dan, I tried to send you an email, but I don't have your current address. Please send it to me at Judythump(miuku)comcast(piste)net


Hi All, In past summers the Advanced group has historically scheduled time at the MHS courts during the mornings on Mon Wed and Fri. The Advanced Intermediate Group has historically scheduled time at the Elm Street courts. For some reason, someone has scheduled time for the Adanced Intermediate group tomorrow at 8 am. and the Advanced Group has scheduled time at 9am which is our usual start time as it gets hotter as summer progresses.. It is likely that there will be too many of us scheduled to play at virtually the same time possibly resulting in long wait times between games for both groups. Would the Advanced Intermediate Group consider scheduling time at MHS on Tue, Thu and Sat mornings or perhaps in the afternoon on MWF?


Here is a message from David Ball regarding the MHS tennis court usage during this time of year. Pre-notification of the high school's usage is not something they can predict. We will have to accommodate their usage and we may show up only to find out they are using the courts. Thankfully, school usage will end in early June.


Unfortunately, as pickleball has grown the usage of the space has increased. As you know, we have a solid tennis history. In addition MHS student's are showing a growing interest in pickleball here on campus. This, in combination with student privileges and our open campus means it will be impossible to adequately continue with the previous "communication protocol". I know this isn't what you want to hear. I also realize you bring a competitive group of people who share a passion for a game we all love. Harry, in an ideal world we'd be able to accommodate but usage of this space during the school day has no consistent schedule. We don't have a calendar of events to forward along and we can't block out 2 hours for your group. Though it will be off & on, there will be students using this space routinely from 8:30am-5:30pm this time of year. This is no one's fault. The growth of the game is a double edged sword in this case. In 3 weeks the space will free up a ton but will ramp up again in late August. I don't know what the best call will be, for consistency purposes, with your pickleball community but MHS courts can not provide you with a consistent play schedule. Luckily this community has two locations(including this one) and between them both I'm confident you can establish a schedule that allows you and your group to play pickleball, consistently during some of Vermont's finest months! Sincerest apologies to the pickleball community. I've CC'd Brian, Jason and Matt. We are willing to field any questions you might have. Thanks Harry.