
Can we make the Sunday game later please. 10 or 9:30am would be my preference. Do others have thoughts/preferences about this?

Gary, profile photo

I also communicated with Haidi and tried to explain to her that Player Line Up is only a player coordination tool and NOT a court reservation tool. Despite that she wants people to use the rec center Player Line Up account to plan games on those courts. That means that any group that plans to use Player Line Up to coordinate games on those courts will have to join the Montpelier Rec Center Player Line Up group. If the Advanced intermediate players want to have a regular play schedule on those courts you should coordinate with her on that. The primary benefit to doing so is that the courts will actually be reserved for your use at least that is how it appears from our conversation.

I hope that is helpful to those who want to use those courts for group play. Of course, they are public courts and open to play anytime they are not reserved so you can plan to meet and play there any time, but may not have free courts which is something we all are confronted with.


I spoke with Haidi Arias this afternoon. I believe I understood her to say the following:
She understands that the Advanced group is scheduling their time at the MHS tennis courts as has been the case during the outdoor weather times over the past several years through the Montpelier Player Lineup site (existing). Montpelier High School has priority for school related activities on the tennis courts during the school year.

The Advanced Intermediate Group needs to schedule time through the Rec Department Player Lineup site (new) for play at the Rec Field and the Rec Center at Barre Street, since those are City controlled properties (the MHS courts are not City controlled properties). She has set a limit of 1.5 hours for Pickle Ball play times which she understands may not be acceptable to some of the Advanced Intermediate group. She did not mention that she told the Advanced Intermediate Group to schedule time at the MHS tennis courts (See other messages from Arlene on this site). She told me that she understood that the Advanced Group would continue to use the MHS tennis courts as has been done in the past through the existing Player Lineup scheduling site and the Rec department has no intention or interest in scheduling events at this site.

The Player lineup sites are not "Reservation" tools. They only are scheduling information tools. If tennis players or other Pickleball players show up at the MHS tennis courts unannounced and/or uninformed, the players using the site must immediately share the courts in some reasonable equitable way with those unexpected arrivals. This is mandated by the rules set by the federal funding agency (Land and Water Conservation Fund LWCF) that provided the majority of funds to build the MHS courts several years ago. ( In other words, since we all pay federal taxes, we all will share the court time)

I hope this is helpful information and look forward to arranging scheduling times that make sense to the users.


What I don't read here is why the rec department has suddenly decided it needs to micro-manage pickleball play at Elm St. As has been mentioned already, playerlineup is just a tool to organize people that want to play together. It appears that anyone other than those wanting to play pickleball and organizing through playerlineup can just show up and play if there is an open court. We've managed to make this work for years without rec dept involvement. This would be a lot smoother if the rec dept wasn't trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist.


As I understand it from Heidi, recreation department has supervision over the recreation field. However, it is an interesting question as to whether that means they should be in charge of setting up times of play. I had some of the same questions about their use, but it seems to me in the past anybody could show up to use the courts at any time for either pickle ball or tennis and the only ones making any reservations Were for camps or special events.

Gary, profile photo

Here is the email I sent today. Awaiting a reply which I will share.

Hi Haidi,

I have seen your messages about using the Elm Street courts. I have looked at the rec dept page on using the courts and it looks like they are open to the public to use ( I understand that rec center programs have priority. I am confused when you say they must be scheduled through the rec center. If I wanted to meet some friends to play on those courts, I believe that I would be able to show up and use the courts if they were open. Am I correct in that assumption? If so, scheduling to meet friends on an app like player line up is not different than if we did it via text, phone, or email. Of course, there is no guarantee that the courts will be available for me to use when I show up with my friends. To be clear player line up is just a coordination tool not a court reservation tool.

If I am confused about how these courts are allowed to be used, I would be interested in learning more.

Thanks, I look forward to your reply.



Hi All, In past summers the Advanced group has historically scheduled time at the MHS courts during the mornings on Mon Wed and Fri. The Advanced Intermediate Group has historically scheduled time at the Elm Street courts. For some reason, someone has scheduled time for the Adanced Intermediate group tomorrow at 8 am. and the Advanced Group has scheduled time at 9am which is our usual start time as it gets hotter as summer progresses.. It is likely that there will be too many of us scheduled to play at virtually the same time possibly resulting in long wait times between games for both groups. Would the Advanced Intermediate Group consider scheduling time at MHS on Tue, Thu and Sat mornings or perhaps in the afternoon on MWF?

Arlene, profile photo

Just to be clear: Kathy and I offered to set up times at the Montpelier Elm Street courts at the behest of several players, as well as ourselves, who wanted an alternative to going to the Barre courts, which are awesome but inconvenient for too frequent play due to their distance. I set up times at Elm Street and Heida commented back that we could not schedule for mornings and that Advanced Intermediate is only ‘allowed’ to schedule for the High School courts during what is perceived as prime time… the AM? Whatever. Sorry that this has become such a big deal. I, personally, would rather play at Elm Street, despite the dead courts and cracks, but thems the breaks. I agree that we need some clarity around court use in general what can and cannot be done and by whom. Heida asked us to move the AM times to the High School courts. That was not the plan or intention.