Simone, profile photo

I will probably only arrive around 10.


Where is this happening? Elm St course? High school?


high school - adv int games being scheduled tues and thur at HS (mon, wed, fri CONFLICTS with the ADVANCED GROUP. they have regular long-standing schedule there.


Too early.

Cameron responded in

hope we get a couple more players....


I will be there, so I hope everyone signed up will be, because we need 4 to play!


this time conflicts with the long-standing advanced group schedule - do people want to play on tues or thur? i will schedule games for those days...


just a heads up - last week this game interfered with the advanced group and they have asked that we try to play tues, thur, sat... i dont think a small group would interfere but last week there ended up being over 12 in each group. if you have questions, please contact Thumper


Here is a note from MHS on the tennis courts for this coming Wednesday afternoon

Hi Harry,
Just letting you know that Wednesday 1:00-1:40 all of the MHS courts are being used for an enrichment block, for students who signed up for pickleball.