Robert, profile photo

A big thank you to all the MHS picklieballers for allowing me to be part of your summer pickleball activities. Your friendship is deeply valued and will provide a meaningful reminder until I return in the spring. If your travels during the coming months bring you near Boynton Beach, Florida, please drop me a message. We always can find a pickleball venue nearby. Have a wonderful holiday season and a safe/healthy New Year.


Robert Taylor, it is always such a pleasure playing PB with you!
Have a great holiday and winter season in Florida!
I look forwarded to seeing you again in the spring! :)


We will miss you but the VT fish will welcome the break.

Win responded out

I only have an have until 11:15 - so will leave early thanks


The weather forecast is not looking as good as it did earlier in the day. Maybe going inside...


It's a beautiful morning here. See y'all at 10.


It’s musical chairs on the pickleball court. Good thing that there are always enough chairs for everyone! Hope you join us in Montpelier!

Joe, profile photo

I left a blue, Mount Mansfield High sweatshirt at the courts at noon today. If anyone can pick it up, or picked it up, I would appreciate it. Can collect it next time I play. Thanks.

Simone, profile photo

I have a lap reservation for 12 at gmcf. I can only play at MHS on Fridays if we start earlier.


Oh, yes, there’s a pool, hot tub and sauna, it shouldn’t be too difficult to say warm…