Fred responded in

If anyone would like to start earlier I'll be there at 8:30.

Janey responded in

There will be some 1964 MHS grads at the courts from 9 until done


'Tis the season to start learning to play pickleball! We have 2 opportunities coming up that your friends or family, or maybe even you could be interested in:

2 Hour Beginner Pickleball Clinic

This 2 hour session will take you through the basic techniques of ball contact, movement, serving, game play and scoring. If you've never played the game, or have tried it and are intrigued, this clinic is a terrific way to prepare yourself for the upcoming indoor season at GMCF or elsewhere. This clinic is held on Saturday, September 7th from 3 to 5 pm and costs $30. If you are interested you can call or stop by the GMCF front desk and register for the 2 Hour Beginner Clinic!

6 Week Beginner/Intermediate Series

This six week series is for players fairly new to the game and self-taught players who want to start out on the right foot with good quality instruction. If you have attended a beginner clinic and were able to gain proficiency with the skills and understand the basics of scoring and rotation this is a perfect fit for you. Or if you have played a few times, had fun and want to learn more about technique and game play you will also find success with this series. Classes meet for 90 minutes of instruction each week and end with an additional 30 minutes of open play. Join Coach Sara starting on Saturday, September 14th at 12:30 to start your journey! Registration happens by stopping by or calling our front desk and letting us know you are interested in the 6 Week Pickleball Series. Cost is $97 for GMCF Members and $157 for non-Members.

Please pass along the good word!


After pickleball today at MHS I feel like an elementary school 'lost and found'.
I have:
- A black Terramar long sleeve top (Eliot?
- A Bob T. ball (Sue has second Bob T. ball)
- A DB (Dan) ball (there was a second DB ball floating around today. Not sure who has that one)
- A JH (John) ball
- A red dot ball (Bill?)
I'll be away next week but I'm sure we'll straighten it all out (or make it worse!)

Bob, profile photo

You should auction them off and fill your VW with about $5 in gas.


Thanks Billy. I left it on purpose the other day since I left early and didn't have the heart to pester all 4 courts. I'm away this coming week, but can get it another time. Thanks

David, profile photo
David responded in

Folks going to GMCF?

David, profile photo
David responded in

Folks going to GMCF? 1pm or 2pm?