Montpelier High School Tennis Courts

Availability list

Joe G John H Tim J Cameron O Jez H Armando C Elliot B Norbert Alan R Ron S Emily G Gary K Thumper Billy Greg M Jennifer H Dan B Alec s
Dad Lasso Fred G Bob G
Edna M Helen N Kathryn E Rich D Cynthia M Shawn D Cheryl B Sue R Bob R Pat H Janey M Dennis M Mary C Gary G Phil K Frank O Fran M John B Stephen H Steve Hn Geordie H Beth A Billy P Lin B Lois A Sandy T Phil B Kat M Dave M Julie H Jeanne E Carolyn K Ellen D Rachel P Steve W Dalyn Nancy T Ilene Matt A Perry H Joe Z Cindy L Robert T Raylene L Steve W [2] John O Cynthia S Elaine A Donna H Kathy C Cate w Scott L Joanne Z Robin G Christie K Linda C Fletcher D Ira S Amy G Donna R Robin R andrew n Donna M Gail L Vini S Anne C joanne h Jack G charles Bob E Mark F Drex G Geoff F Charlene R Rolf Sara T Greg M [2] Sierra S Nick P Laura B Derek B Denise G Therese A Scott A Pat M Tyler S Diane T Susan A Barry G Quinn B Paula C Priscilla W Dana L Simone W Deb Mike P [2] Rita Dorothy K Martha E Mike S Libby M Shannon L [2] Craig S chelsea l Marilyn G Susan S Scudder P Steve H Sam B Cilla L Susan R Karen R Tim M Pam P Jo R Eric Nancy N [2] Charles A Roger L Arlene S Kathy Y Amy Lynne L Dale L Bill L Lydia E Kenny S Jeanne E [2] Mark A Stephanie T Maggie f Sue M Pam E Sue V Maggie D Dawn A Barbara D Suzanne H Nancynorm Greg Rob A (1) Paul V [2] Nelson B John F Rick V Laura W Dawn B Paul F Merry S Usman I Ed J Dave J Wendell M KC W Ultan D Tots Jon C Peggy C Dell Lori S Debbie L timm B Sidney C Dawn R Dixie M Bonnie K Patrick K Armando C [2] Gail C Suther Dave B Debby Ron G Linda M Janet S Wes Joey Carol T Jacinthe P neal M Josette B Aleksei G August B David S Kim A Patrick D Vicky M rhianna w Tisa R Peter K Pat D Chris T Janet S [2] Dave E David Ted F Zak H KATHY Y [2] Sisabelle Carol L Bob B Karen A Tom L Duane W Jay I Patty B Heidi H Melissa T Mary C 2 Kathie H Chrystal C Julie T Bill K Wilson K Gretchen S Win C Jim T Jamie S Chelsea E Suzanne L Sharon B Mike S [2] Tracey H Jeff Missy E Patricia L Jeff F Tama W Haidi A Linda M [2] Maggie M Luke M Dan R Mark W Lauren Ross Carol S Jim c Pam P [2] mike h Ray B Kevin C Kevin C [2] Katrina V linda p [2] lindap Joe V George H el P Michael J Alden H Allan S Nancy S Anne S Paul C Paul C [2] Paul C [3] Pam Josh L Billy [2] Billy [3] Lauren T Steve J Pete S Elena D Michael K Megan W Haidi A [2] Kyler Paul C [4] Trevor Dave B [2] JJ R Cathy H Laura S Kevin M Tom J Josh B Josh W Tammy D Jesse Chris M Leslie M Judy W Owen S Luc B Asher B Bernie N Miles B Suzanne W Theo Joe B Maya t Ellen L Ray B [2] Kenneth B Michele W [2] David G Maya R Shannon H Joe G [2] Kelsey G Carol G

Comment ...

Simone, profile photo

Hi everyone. I played last Friday at MHS and yesterday I went to the doctor's office bc I've been feeling sick and extremely tired since that day. I've tested myself for covid and it was negative (at home test), however, it came back positive at the doctor's office test. I'm not contagious anymore but I was on Friday. I just want to let you know.


hope you feel better!

Simone, profile photo

Thank you Cameron.


Thanks for letting us know, Simone. It's flying around like crazy right now. My wife & I caught it a month ago for the first time. We both were quite ill and she still hasn't fully recovered. Glad to hear it passed quickly for you!


Get better soon, Simone, so you can toy with us again! Alan R

Bob, profile photo
Bob responded out

If courts are dry


Yes, Simone, get better soon!

Simone, profile photo

Thank you guys!


How is it looking in Montpelier? Is it dry?

Norbert, profile photo

Dry but windy


It just rained in Waterbury. I suspect Montpelier might be next....

Norbert, profile photo

It is sprinkling here now

Norbert, profile photo

We had a slight sprinkle but still dry here

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Player 17 3
Coach 0 0
Contact person 0 0
Visitors 1
Total In 18 Out 3
Previous / Next In Out
Advanced Mon, Aug 26 at 09:00 AM 12 1
Adv-Intermed Tue, Aug 27 at 05:00 PM 0 0
Advanced Wed, Aug 28 at 09:00 AM 18 3
Adv-Intermed Thu, Aug 29 at 05:00 PM 0 0
Advanced Fri, Aug 30 at 09:00 AM 19 3

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