Montpelier High School Tennis Courts

Availability list

John H Bob G Nancynorm Ron S Pat H Robert T Simone W Gary G Bill L Cameron O Thumper Rick V Dan B John O Jez H Stephen H Geoff F
Edna M Helen N Kathryn E Rich D Cynthia M Shawn D Cheryl B Sue R Bob R Janey M Dennis M Mary C Phil K Frank O Fran M John B Steve Hn Geordie H Beth A Billy P Lin B Lois A Sandy T Phil B Kat M Dave M Julie H Jeanne E Carolyn K Ellen D Rachel P Steve W Dalyn Elliot B Nancy T Alan R Ilene Matt A Perry H Joe Z Cindy L Raylene L Steve W [2] Cynthia S Elaine A Donna H Kathy C Cate w Scott L Joanne Z Robin G Christie K Linda C Fletcher D Ira S Amy G Donna R Robin R andrew n Donna M Gail L Vini S Anne C joanne h Armando C Jack G charles Bob E Mark F Drex G Charlene R Rolf Sara T Greg M [2] Sierra S Nick P Laura B Derek B Denise G Therese A Scott A Pat M Tyler S Diane T Susan A Barry G Quinn B Paula C Priscilla W Dana L Deb Mike P [2] Rita Dorothy K Martha E Mike S Libby M Shannon L [2] Craig S chelsea l Marilyn G Susan S Scudder P Steve H Sam B Cilla L Susan R Karen R Gary K Tim M Pam P Jo R Eric Nancy N [2] Charles A Roger L Arlene S Kathy Y Amy Lynne L Dale L Lydia E Kenny S Jeanne E [2] Mark A Stephanie T Maggie f Sue M Pam E Sue V Maggie D Dawn A Barbara D Suzanne H Greg Rob A (1) Paul V [2] Tim J Nelson B John F Laura W Dawn B Paul F Merry S Usman I Ed J Dave J Wendell M KC W Ultan D Tots Jon C Peggy C Dell Lori S Debbie L timm B Sidney C Dawn R Dixie M Bonnie K Patrick K Armando C [2] Gail C Suther Dave B Debby Ron G Linda M Janet S Wes Joey Carol T Jacinthe P neal M Josette B Aleksei G August B David S Kim A Patrick D Vicky M rhianna w Tisa R Peter K Pat D Chris T Janet S [2] Dave E David Ted F Zak H KATHY Y [2] Dad Lasso Sisabelle Carol L Bob B Karen A Tom L Duane W Jay I Patty B Heidi H Melissa T Mary C 2 Kathie H Chrystal C Julie T Bill K Jennifer H Wilson K Gretchen S Win C Jim T Jamie S Chelsea E Suzanne L Sharon B Mike S [2] Tracey H Jeff Missy E Patricia L Jeff F Tama W Haidi A Linda M [2] Maggie M Luke M Dan R Mark W Lauren Ross Carol S Jim c Pam P [2] mike h Ray B Kevin C Kevin C [2] Katrina V linda p [2] lindap Joe V George H Fred G el P Michael J Alden H Allan S Nancy S Anne S Paul C Paul C [2] Paul C [3] Pam Josh L Billy Billy [2] Billy [3] Lauren T Steve J Pete S Emily G Elena D Michael K Megan W Haidi A [2] Kyler Paul C [4] Trevor Dave B [2] JJ R Cathy H Laura S Kevin M Tom J Josh B Josh W Tammy D Jesse Greg M Chris M Leslie M Judy W Owen S Luc B Asher B Bernie N Miles B Suzanne W Theo Joe B Maya t Ellen L Ray B [2] Kenneth B Michele W [2] David G Joe G Maya R Shannon H Joe G [2] Kelsey G Carol G

Comment ...


It's seemed very cold at 9:00AM on Wednesday. So I put this event in at 9:30AM to start with. If people would like it earlier or later leave comment here and we will change it based upon majority.

John, profile photo

Looks like it will be a little warmer tomorrow morning.

Bob, profile photo

9:30 sounds good to me

Robert, profile photo

Ron....have the votes been counted, it 9:30 AM or 10:00 AM?


Is seems like 9:30AM at this point.

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Player 17 1
Coach 0 0
Contact person 0 0
Visitors 0
Total In 17 Out 1
Previous / Next In Out
Intermediate Thu, Sep 28, 2023 at 08:00 AM 0 0
Intermediate Fri, Sep 29, 2023 at 08:00 AM 0 0
Advanced Fri, Sep 29, 2023 at 09:30 AM 17 1
Intermediate Sat, Sep 30, 2023 at 08:00 AM 0 0
Intermediate Sun, Oct 1, 2023 at 08:00 AM 0 0

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